Tuesday, June 16, 2009

From Hell it Came

First described in J.W. Buel's Land and Sea (1887), the Ya-Te-Yeo or "I See You" was said to be a man-eating tree that preyed upon the people of Central America. Normally it would ensnare birds and small mammals in its tendrils, but the monstrous plant would not hesitate to devour a human being if the unfortunate subject drew too close.

This is yet another reason for people to responsibly manage their woodlots. If everyone would consult their friendly forester, then abominations such as the Ya-Te-Yeo could be kept away from populated areas.


  1. I know the flora of hell, that didn't come from hell! Plants like poison ivy and stinging nettle come from hell, for they are grown and used in tortures and in passion making (synonymous in hell). It most likely came from Uranus or that general area.

    However, there is a possibility that the Ya-Te-Yeo (or otherwise named "That Damned Yeo") may have COME from Uranus and natrualized itself to the, please don't mind the pun, "hellish" environment of Central America. From there it could have, over the course of multiple millenia, evolved to take advantage of the abundance of animals in the immediate proximity. The offspring are spread by the insertion of seeds into other hosts like an unsuspecting animal that happened to venture too close. However, there is a "snag". Most seeds weren't as successful at sprouting as the parent is at catching prey and so needed the perfect host (the plant is non-selective dude to it having no "brain"). By trail-and-error, the hellish plant found the perfect host, the human. The grusome, and somewhat erotic scene following the capture of the prey may have inspired the imagination of crude artists to create the infamous "tentacle monster" of the popular Japanese animation, or "anime".

  2. Now, at long last, the people know and knowing is half the battle!
